
This month’s month at a glance is a two-page layout. There’s a decent amount of space on each day of the month to make note of any significant date— whether you’re a student keeping track of deadlines and exams, or an adult responsible for booking in your own dentist appointment, the two-page monthly calendar is sure to keep you on track.

Since there are seven days of the week— not eight— I reserved that final column on the right for to-do items or notes.

What seems like a pretty generic calendar got a dosage of fall goodness through the addition of fall doodled leaves at the top of the page…you’ll see me throughout this video really lean into mini doodles like this. Then I went in with a Tombow Dual-Ended Brush Marker in the colour 993 (a colour that, in addition to being fall-esque, also matches my bullet journal perfectly).

Self-Care Dashboard

Next to the habit trackers is a little section to write down some books that I want to read over the next month or so, both in the fiction and non-fiction category. October means we’re officially in the final quarter of 2021 so I feel like now is a good time to be intentional about how I end the year by reflecting on some areas I’d like to improve on and prioritize. This is an opportunity to remind myself of some of my beginning of the year goals and see what steps— big or small— I can make to move forward with them.

The fall element on this layout comes from the larger pumpkin spice latte and pumpkin pie doodle on the bottom right page. Here in Canada, October means Thanksgiving so I’m looking forward to the slice of pumpkin pie that’s in my near future!

Meal Ideas

It’s around this time of year I get really excited to cook and bake new recipes. In the summer heat, I’m not always the most enthusiastic about turning on a hot stove or oven to make things, but as the weather begins to cool, I love the coziness that comes from making a veggie lasagna or a butternut squash soup! Thus, this two-page spread is an area for me to mark down all the recipes (new or old) I want to make this season. 

Although it’s a pretty clean layout, this might be one of my favourite meal idea spreads that I’ve done because it has plenty of room for writing down what’s important — the actual meal ideas— while still being presented in an interesting layout. I also just love how much character these little doodles have been adding the spreads!

Weekly Spread

Every spread this month has felt really simple and clean, so I wanted to stay consistent with that when it came to making the weekly layout, so I made the outer border around each day’s allocated rectangle quite large.

Doodles had been another thing I had incorporated into each spread so far, so they made their return here— this time mini pumpkin sprinkles. They make for such a pretty, playful look, and are fairly simple to draw…bonus points there!

Product Links

*Archer and olive dotted notebook: https://bit.ly/3337Yzp

(use code "caitlinscorner" for a 10% discount at Archer & Olive)

*my favourite bullet journal supplies: https://amzn.to/2PGfiKH  

*tombow monotwin: https://amzn.to/36K50l1

*tombow 993: https://amzn.to/39bYcOk

*sharpie s-gel black pen: https://amzn.to/37iGLeC

*circle template: https://amzn.to/3g9lrMV

*muji black gel pens: https://amzn.to/2va1m4 

Which spread was your favourite this month? What recipe are you looking forward to making in the fall? Let me know in the comments below! Until next time, Xo. —C.

*affiliate link


