Beginner Tips for Content Creators

Tips I wish I knew BEFORE I started….

When I first started this YouTube journey, I had no idea what I was doing. It was scary and exciting (and about a thousand other varying emotions in between), but somehow I stuck with it and have gotten to a point where not only am I comfortable with the process of creating content, I also get to make a living off of it. How wild is that?!

I get lots of questions in my DMs/inbox from those of you who are looking for advice on starting an online journey, so today I am talking about 4 tips/lessons I wish I knew before I started! These tips have helped me turn creating content into a full-time job :)


Create a Content Plan

When you're first starting to grow your platform (whether it be on YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok), a key component is being consistent. The people who choose to follow along with your journey are going to want to be able to look forward to watching your content— taking sporadic, long breaks in between posting will make it harder for them to remember to check-in with what you're up to!

The first step? Figure out a release schedule that you can commit to. Is it once a week? Once every two weeks? Every other day? Whatever you choose, make it a priority to stick to that schedule. When I first did this process, I kept my release schedule private so that I could test out whether or not it was something that worked for me. After a few months, I announced it to my audience so that— just like any TV show— they'd know what day and time to tune in!

The second step? Carve out time every month/quarter to plan out what content you'll put out on your release days. This doesn't have to be super detailed, but having an idea of what kinds of videos/pictures you're putting out makes it so that you can focus the rest of your energy on actually executing your plans. On days where I'm not feeling super creative, I feel very thankful for the fact that I've invested time into planning things out in advance! It makes it so much easier to stick to my schedule.

The Magic of Batch work


Oh, how batch work has saved me!

Every week, I have 1 YouTube video, 1 blog post, 1 newsletter, ~3 Instagram feed posts and a mix of Instagram stories, Pinterest pins, and TikToks put out on the internet that I shoot and edit myself. Many beginner creators are in a similar boat in the sense that they do not have an editor/assistant/etc. helping them out.....batch work has been a key reason I’m able to release so much content! I started really embracing batch work once I went full-time as a creator, but I wished I would have gotten serious about it in university.

I start off by creating a list of all the tasks I do in a typical week. Then, I review that list and see which repetitive activities I can do in advance. For me, some of those activities are writing my weekly blog posts and newsletter introductions. Instead of taking a chunk of the workday to outline, draft, revise, and format a blog post or newsletter, I now take a few days a month to pre-write ALL of that content (fun fact: this article you're currently reading has been part of my February batch writing session, haha).

On my batch writing days, I spend a chunk of time outlining every piece of content, then another chunk of time drafting, and another formatting. Although it seems like this would be a lengthy process, I actually find I get more efficient as I dive into each step. I'm able to get more done in a shorter amount of time— what a win!

Everything I batch-write then gets prescheduled so I can focus the rest of the month on promoting new content, filming/editing YouTube videos, and dealing with behind-the-scenes work for brands!

You could apply this technique to Instagram captions and photos too! There so many possibilities :)

“What value am I adding here?”

Nobody wants to feel like their time has been wasted!

When I'm creating, I try to always ensure that the things I'm releasing are providing those who watch it with some sort of value so they can walk away with a new tip or piece of advice that they can apply to their own lives. Creating content for the purpose of entertaining is also a form of providing value!

When your audience can feel like they've gotten something out of watching your videos, they're going to be more inclined to keep coming back.

So ask yourself: How are you standing out? Why should people be watching your content? These are the kinds of questions that help ensure your content is being made with a purpose!


Start now— figure it out later

The perfectionist in me sometimes fights this concept, but when you're a beginner in something you don't have much knowledge about, it's tempting to use "waiting for the perfect equipment/timing/knowledge" as an excuse to delay starting. When I filmed my first video, I had no idea how to edit or upload a video on YouTube— but I learned as I went, and eventually got better and faster at creating videos. It's only through doing that you can actually improve....start now, and figure the details out later!

Putting yourself out on the internet is scary, but like anything, it gets easier. Don't pressure yourself to create content that is at the same production level as your favourite creator...I assure you, if you do some serious scrolling back on their account, you'll see posts that are vastly less impressive than the ones they create today. The art of creating is a journey. You'll naturally develop your own style the more you do it!

Curious to see what equipment I use for creating content for all things Caitlin's Corner related? GOOD NEWS! I've got an entire Amazon shop page that has all my equipment linked— check it out by clicking HERE! And if you have a question for me, drop it in the comment section below :) Until next time Xo. —C

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