5 Healthy Habits That Have BIG Impact

Life is busy! There’s usually not enough time in the day to get everything checked off our to-do lists, let alone there being enough time to spend on ourselves! However, one thing that I’ve learned after my fair share of “I’m overwhelmed” crying sessions is how important it is to show up for yourself every day. The saying, “you need to take care of yourself before taking care of others” is something I’m always reminding myself. So today I’m sharing FIVE HEALTHY HABITS that have had major positive impact on my life—habits that, when I’m not being consistent with them, I notice a decrease in my mood! Although some of these items do take up space in my schedule, they’re well worth it because they allow me to better attack the other items on my list. 

1. Morning Inspiration Session

As tempting as it can be to spend your time in the morning catching up on social media (guilty, haha), there is something energizing about starting your day consuming content that inspires you to make changes in your personal/work life. I try my best to read 20 minutes of a non-fiction book in the morning, but these days there are so many different mediums of content that you can choose from. Podcasts, documentaries, YouTube videos, blogs, the list goes on and on...pick a topic that interests you, a medium that fits best in your schedule, and try making it a part of your morning routine! More often than not, I feel a lot lighter than I would if I spent that time scrolling on feeds.

Speaking of books and inspiration, one of my favorite books this year has been *Atomic Habits by James Clear. If you’re looking to incorporate better habits into your routine, this book provides lots of practical advice for helping you make positive changes. I anticipate that it’s one I’ll be going back to for years to come! I talk more about it in my 2020 reading update video. 


2. Gratitude

There’s a lot of talk about the benefits of a daily gratitude practice in the wellness space, and I think that discussion is warranted! Too often I feel like my brain wants to autopilot in complaining mode but that way of thinking distracts from any/all good that’s happening in life. I would hate to think I’m ever taking someone/something in my life for granted, so spending just a few minutes a day thinking about a 3-5 things I’m grateful for (big or small) has been a great method of realigning my focus. 

I circle through a variety of methods for my gratitude practice— sometimes I fill out my *five-minute journal, sometimes I create my own spread to fill out in my planner, and sometimes I just express my gratitude out loud in front of the mirror when I’m getting ready in the morning (this is also a great time to throw in some affirmations if that’s your kind of thing).

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3. Silent Time

Meditation usually involves taking time in your day to get in a comfortable position, closing your eyes, focusing on breathing, and paying attention to your thoughts— it’s a very intentional process. I’ve done my fair share of traditional meditating like this through apps like Headspace or guided meditation videos on Youtube, and have found it to be a really powerful way to lower the noise in my brain. However, I call this section “silent time” and not “meditation” because I think there are definitely other ways of quieting your brain that doesn’t involve sitting/laying still for 5-20+ minutes. 

Colouring is a perfect example of an activity I find really meditative...it doesn’t require a lot of brainpower and the act of colouring in a picture is really calming. As silly as it sounds, I’ve even found playing *Animal Crossing on my Nintendo Switch to be super relaxing (particularly when I’m fishing, shaking trees for fruit, or catching bugs). Journaling too has also been something I love doing when I’m having trouble processing a feeling/thought/decision. So although meditating is a great practice, if it’s not something that’s ever worked for you, that doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways of having a daily “pause button” moment! 

4. Move Your Body

This is the tip on this list that I always need a reminder for because I can always manage to find an excuse for not doing it (oops lol). We all know why it’s important to be moving our bodies— it’s great for our health, gives us energy, boosts mood, etc.—so it’s something worth prioritizing on your schedule! Like in my point about meditation though, I also encourage anyone reading this to find the method that makes YOU excited to move! Maybe it’s a yoga session or cardio at the gym, but you might prefer taking a hike, walking around the block, and/or shaking your booty to your favourite song haha! 

5. The Green Meal

I’ll be the first to admit that it is HARD to eat 100% healthy 24/7....seriously, how is one supposed to resist the pure goodness that is the chocolate chip cookie? So as much as I like to eat well and fuel my body with things that’ll make me feel amazing, I also know that it’s not practical for me to be on my A-game all the time. But something I find much less intimidating is to make at least ONE MEAL A DAY really healthy (e.g. a smoothie in the morning, a salad at lunch, or a veggie-packed meal at dinner). When it comes to our health, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking it has to be all or nothing, but even one really healthy meal a day is better than none— and it’ll likely inspire you to make better choices with your other meals. 

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I hope this list helps inspire you to embrace some healthy habits in our life. If you’re looking for some extra motivation, be sure to check me out on Pinterest where I am constantly posting content that speaks to my soul— I even have specific boards for goal setting and self-love! Drop a comment below with a habit you’re working on this month. Until next time, Xo. — C

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